Delivery Time
It takes 1 business day to process your order. In case of additional delay, we will inform you via email.
Orders placed before 16.00 are shipped within the same day. Orders confirmed after 16.00 will be shipped the next business day. All orders placed on Saturday by 11am would be sent in the same day. Orders confirmed on Saturday after 11am would be shipped the next business day. Exceptions are official holidays. In the territory of Bulgaria, it takes about 1 working day to receive your order but exceptions are possible for small towns and villages, where the couriers work according to a schedule. You will receive a confirmation email that your order has been processed and shipped.
We are not responsible for delays in orders due to incorrect personal data, bad weather and road conditions, national holidays, public holidays or strikes by transport companies and we hope you will show understanding and patience in cases where the delay is caused from factors beyond our control.
Delivery prices
The delivery price will be automatically calculated when finalizing your order and will be added to the final amount. We reserve the right to change these prices at any time without having to notify you. You undertake to carefully review the terms of delivery when finalizing your order, as well as to watch for promotions, offers or price increases for transport.
Delivery within the European Union
Delivery time is between 4 to 20 working days. Shipments are sent with Speedy courier services (DPD) depending on the country in which you are located. There may be some delays around national and international or public holidays. Delays caused by bad weather, strikes by transport companies and airlines are also possible. We hope you will show understanding and patience in cases where the delay is caused by factors beyond our control. If you do not receive your order within 20 working days, please contact us so that we can assist you and resolve the situation.
Delivery outside the European Union
Deliveries to countries outside the European Union are made with a standard postal service. It is possible you would be charged additional fees and duties that would add to the value of the shipment on arrival and on the territory of the country. Please check with the local customs office of the country where you are expecting delivery before placing your order. We have no control over these fees and cannot predict them.